Friday, February 5, 2016


Well we are on the down hill slide into Spring, although this winter has been relatively mild I am still looking forwards to consistently warmer weather. Even though our winter has been mild it has not helped me with my cabin fever. January and February are hard months for me. Our yard is flat and  retains all the moisture and because we have not had many days below freezing our yard is soft and muddy. A no go for my wheel chair, so when the wind is not blowing and temps in 50's and above I can at least sit out on my deck and enjoy the fresh air. Before my wheel chair days I loved winter or any season for that matter, but now I can do without winter. I  definitely associate and become one with  one of my totems, the bear in the winter time, I hibernate ,meditate, contemplate a lot this time of the year, but I really wish I could sleep through the season of pain as I call it. Because the pain levels stay between 6-8 on the pain scale consistently in the Winter ,I am pretty much good for nothing,the best I do is some very light house cleaning  , I do dishes just once a day after supper , I fix the evening meal which is usually something I can fix in my crock pot and then have left overs the next day . I may do the laundry  and may fold the clothes on that day or if it is a bad week they don't get folded we just take out of the basket what we want. On a good day I may dust and or mop the floor but that doesn't  happen often, other than that I am useless. Because my arthritis is all over my body ANY movement is painful and I am extremely stiff and movement is a great deal of work for me and I have to really have to NEED to get out of my recliner to do something like pee or get a drink or eat , other wise I ain't doing it. Usually the Internet, FB or YouTube can get my mind off of me, but on these extreme painful days all it does is make me well aware of my very painful and small life. When I am not hurting extremely so, I really enjoy watching what they are doing and I am glad they are able to go out and about, but on these pity poor patty days, not so much.  Hopefully the painkillers will kick in soon so that I can end my pity party and get something done today. I did manage to make some cornbread and chicken egg noodles today so it is not a total wash out.
love and light

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