Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thankfulness this season

We  in the USA  are in the midst of Thanksgiving week and I find it hard to express my thankfulness  for all in my life when so many are in so much pain and displacement because of war in their countries. It is not that I am not thankful, but I feel so hypocritical to voice the fact that I am safe in my home with food and clothes and medications I need for what ills me but so many are fleeing for their very lives and then are being turned away because of FEAR.

Yes I am thankful that I am safe, but I can not be smug about it, I can not believe that some how I am more deserving of these things when so many have nothing, when so many have lost all they had and many have lost their loved ones to this damn religious mindset  that 'we are right you are wrong and if you don't believe as we do you must die' .  Yes many of us are thankful that it is them and not us,   that is so terrible to even admit, isn't that the mindset of many here in good ole USA? We believe we are somehow more deserving than the rest of the world. We by the luck of the draw are born with a roof over our heads and food in our tummies and clothes on our back and by God we earned it. But the sun shines on us all because we are all loved equally, but why the discrepancy? Why so many in so much need and so few have so much they waste everything they have? We are waiting on a God to take care of it, we are waiting on a Savior to take us out of it. but folks, God is waiting on us to do something,anything ,but what we are not doing now. The test is being taken and we are failing miserable. We need to be the change we seek, we need to be the peace we seek, we need to be the compassion we seek, it has got to begin   with each and everyone of us.
I am so torn this holiday season , how can I even try to enjoy what little I do have when so many have lost so much, how can I buy my grandchildren gifts they don't really need when so many will do without the bare essentials. I know in my heart that I have got to get my priorities right, they have got to be grounded in love and compassion and grace , for I know that what I have is not mine because I deserve it or that I am better than any one else.
I have got to remain mindful of the words I speak and the life I live, I have got to make sure I do not ever tear someone down so that I am lifted up. I have got to make sure that the words I speak will comfort, help and assist ,never to do or cause harm on purpose. I can do very little being cooped up in my small little space in the world, I am pretty much home bound so I do not interact with many , in fact very few, I am in chronic pain and having more difficulty moving every day, but yet I know I can do something no matter how little it is, I can be a helper, a listener in time of need. I do have a voice , here on this blog, on Facebook and You Tube and Google plus and I must make damn sure that I do not allow hatred to be expressed on any of my pages. I must be sure to spread love and compassion to all who may read anything I allow to be on my pages. I can do very little, but what I can do I will do. I have very little money coming in each month  and it barely gets us by so I can not financially give to others but I can be a beacon of love and hope to all who need it ,I will be a voice for those who suffer and are down trodden. I will do my best to spread love and kindness around and I hope you will do likewise. I can vote for the party and the person I think will be a helper to those in need, yes I can do that. So I will be thankful today and everyday for those of us who will stand up for those in need regardless of age, gender, religion or culture. Please be the change we need in this world, it begins with each of us, pass it around .
for what it is worth,

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