Monday, April 27, 2015

Gardening update

Well it is finally that time of the year, growing season! I was a bit busy this weekend , my hubby bought me a few herbs to replace those that did not make it through the winter. Rosemary, lemon thyme, Greek thyme, cinnamon basil, oregano and garden sage.

 I emptied all my planters that had dirt in them into our wagon, added some rabbit do and another sack of soil and mixed well and transplanted those above into pots, I did have 4 of my mints make it through the winter and we emptied those out scraped off the ends of these roots and added more amended soil to the bottom of those pots and then put the mint back on top of this soil.

BrandyWine Tomatoes

Here are some Brandywine tomatoes I started from seed, I have more than I will plant, will give them to both my daughters for their gardens. I dearly love tomatoes but not a fan of the high acid content , these are pink tomatoes which hopefully will be good slicers and less acid , these are heirloom tomatoes not hybrids.
BrandyWine tomatoes
 Down below here are Broccoli and Cauliflower started from seed.
 Now down below here is an old refrigerator turned into a raised bed I have radishes , green onions and kale growing, need to thin out a bit.

These 3 are an old bath tub that has potatoes just now coming up, then the refrigerator with the radishes and kale and the largest is a freezer which is still empty , will hopefully fill up with dirt when we finish planting the warmer crops. These work well for me being in a wheel chair, makes it very easy to tend my garden.
In this freezer below are my snow peas, they are looking good, I have had a lot of problems trying to grow peas, but these are looking great , hopefully I get some peas from it.

In this box below I have cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, the dead looking sprigs are garlic I transplanted from our burn pile, they came up on their own, they look a bit shocked but I think most will pull through, I planted them here to help protect these plants from pest. The box above them will be planted with green beans and okra,you will see a chest with a lid on it, I planted one tomato in it, I re-purpose everything, I planted a wee bit early ,the tomatoes so I kept the lid on the chest in case we get a frost so I can shut it up to protect them.

Here below is a pot and chest with one brandywine each in them, only filled up half way with dirt , will add more dirt once the tomato grows above the top of the containers which will stabilize the plant when it gets bigger, these are suppose to be large tomatoes.I will place stakes on the out side of them and stake them up with twine.


This above here is a re-purposed gas grill I have 2 of them this one is planted with lettuce and the one not pictured on the right is spinach. I will eat from this and they will be given to my rabbits as well.


We also moved many of my house plants out on the deck ,my aloe vera are going crazy! They have lots of babies. I will have to check these houseplants to see who needs a new pot, but that re-potting will have to wait for another warm day to do.
So we had one day, Saturday that was fabulous , 77 degrees and sunny and I used it well. Then Sunday was cold ,damp and temperature was in 40's and I think it managed to get to 50. So we spent the day getting over our work the day before, hubby and I are having a time with it this year with our aches and pains , not able to do much without paying for it the next day. We pay dearly for any activity we do , I gauge how I am doing from one growing season to the next , and on how much I am able to do and I can tell that I am worse than I was last year. Not good. I get anxious about this if I think too long about it, I do my best to take it one moment and one day at a time, otherwise I would be an anxious mess. So growing season around here is in full bloom.
Happy growing!

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